The upcoming exhibition in the Sibelius Museum presents Finnish concrete architecture. The exhibition Loved hated concrete – Brutalism in Finland is opened on 17th September. Among others miniatures and photos of brutalist buildings are presented. The exhibition is based on the book project Brutalism in Finland by the non-fiction author, representative of Bryggman institute Mikko Laaksonen.
The architectural style marked with exposed concrete, become common in Finland during 1960´s. The style evokes emotions both for and against. The Loved hated concrete – Brutalism in Finland presenta many so called concrete brutalist buildings around Finland. Miniature models and photographs present the contrast between the interiors and exteriors. The Sibelius Museum functions as a perfect frame for the exhibition, as the buiding, planned by Woldemar Baeckman presents concrete brutalism in an internationally exemplary way.
In connection with the exhibition the Bryggman institute organises a seminar on Brutalism on 22nd September. The main speaker, Guja Dögg presents the architecture of Icelandic Högna Sigurðardóttir.
The theme of concrete is presented also in the music pieces in the concerts in the museum during tha autumn. The hyperbolic paraboloid forms linked to concrete brutalism can also be admired in the Iannis Xenakis music performed by the Turku philharmonic orchestra in its concert on 30th November.
The exhibition Loved, hated concrete – Brutalism in Finland is open in the Sibelius Museum 17th September 2023–7th January2024.
Book project Brutalism in Finland:
More info on the concert of Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, Turku
Open Wed – Sun (11–16)