The theme year on residential architecture of Bryggman institute is opened at the Turku main library with an exhibition on residential architecture in Turku in 20th century .
Downstairs in the lobby are exhibited the wooden workers’ housing co-operatives, stone houses in the city centre and the beginning of the half-municipal housing production. Upstairs in the Non-Fiction Department are presented type houses, Arava high-rises, suburban housing projects and high-rises in the city centre. The apartment buildings designed by Erik Bryggman and Alvar Aalto in Turku are also presented. The exhibition panels are in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The exhibition also presents original models of Asunto Oy Carenia, Kauppiaskatu 2 designed by Pekka Pitkänen 1960–1961 and the Runosmäki housing area planned by ATR-suunnittelu. The materials include also historical building plans and housing brochures from 1950’s to 1970’s. There are also books on residential architecture, which are also available for loan at the library.
Picture: Type houses on Takamaantie, Luolavuori, Turku
Turku main library
Linnankatu 2
Mon – Fri 9 AM – 8 PM
Sat – Sun 11 AM – 5 PM