- 17.12.2010
- Bryggman Institute and Foundation in 2009-2010
- Bryggman Institute and Bryggman Foundation are being planned at the Arts Council of Southwestern Finland. The major part of the funding comes from regional development funds. There is an advisory group with representatives from the fields of architecture, interior design, land-use planning, construction industry, and research. The group chairman is Professor Harri Andersson of Turku University.
Bryggman Foundation charter was already prepared in the fall of 2009. Negotiations with potential founding members about their eventual donations began in November 2009. By the end of 2010, fifteen institutions and enterprises have annouced their donations. Some negotiations are still current. Donors will meet in early 2011 to finalize the charter, and to appoint a Foundation board. The charter will then be sent to the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland.
- 16.12.2010
- Bryggman Institute Activities
- Bryggman Institute activities will center around three main areas: architectural education for people of different age groups, courses for built environment professionals, and research of built environment topics.
During 2010, networks of architectural education have been formed. There has been collaboration with Erkkeri, the architecture school for children at Kupittaa Adventure Park. Architectural education in secondary schools has been discussed in Turku. Collaboration in architectural education for adults has been started with the Vakka-Suomi Adult Education Centre in Uusikaupunki.
A joint cultural tourism project during the 2010–11 academic year is under way with Turku Unversity of Applied Sciences. The project Architectural Tourism in Southwestern Finland is financed mainly by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- 16.12.2010
- Public Events in 2010
- The Institute arranged three public seminars during 2010. The first one, titled Ideals of Beauty in Turku, was held on April 12. The classical theme was examined in three lectures attended by some 120 persons.
In the autumn, two seminars with the same program on the topic of The Charm of Modernism studied the relationship between architecture and film. The seminars were held in Turku on Sept. 21, and in Salo on Oct. 28. The Turku event attracted about fifty participants, and the Salo one about twenty.